Loan Participation Resources
Welcome to Capital Resources’ loan participation program downloads and resources page. Here you will find our standard loan participation program overview, which details and summarizes much of the information found on our website. Our participating lenders have found this summary to be a helpful supplement for many of them during initial presentations they may make to their respective committees and boards for initial program consideration or approval.
We have also included our standardized loan participation agreements and commercial loan documents. These agreements are standardized, but do vary some depending on geographical locations, collateral types, and other variables.
At Capital Resources we use Wolters Kluwer’s loan documentation software ARTA Lending for all of our standardized loan documents and loan participation documents. Furthermore, we have integrated other components to our loan documents that specifically target the collateral associated with loans we originate to insurance agency entrepreneurs.
Some Content Will Require Your Contact Information in Order to Access
Program Overview

Loan Documents

Participation Agreement

As you become familiar with our transactional documents and with the individual loans that we originate, we hope that you will begin to see product consistency and uniformity. We strive to have these qualities persist regardless of loan size or geographical location of the underlying collateral. It is our hope that once you spend a brief period familiarizing yourself with our product that each loan participation opportunity becomes simpler and faster or analyze than the ones that came before.
If you have taken the time to download the resources available on this page but you have not taken the opportunity to talk with one of our loan participation specialists, then it’s time to call us today at 866-523-6641.
What We Do
We specialize in providing quality commercial loan participations to lenders across the United States. Our participations are backed by loans to current and prospective insurance agency owners and financial advisors for the purpose of business acquisition, expansion, refinance, and working capital.
Our Approach
Having originated more than $500MM in loans, we have a unique perspective and insight in the industries we specialize in. We leverage this experience to help our participating lenders grow their loan portfolios without growing their expenses.
Our Mission
We provide quality loan products to those in the insurance and wealth management industries, while helping community banks expand their loan portfolio's size and industry diversification.
$ Millions Originated
Loans Originated
Lenders Served
Years in Business
Venture & Growth
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Private Equity
Mauris blandit aliquet elit, eget tincidunt nibh pulvinar a. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec velit neque, auctor sit amet aliquam vel, ullamcorper sit amet ligula. Pellentesque in ipsum id orci porta dapibus
Our Office
13200 Metcalf Ave Suite 190
Overland Park, KS 66123
Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 9am - 5pm
Sat-Sun: Closed
Contact Us
(866) 523-6641